We have to study 25 Poems
06 Short Stories
05 Dramas
04 Novels
Poems -
- Sonnet 130 - William Shakespeare
- Sonnet 138 - William Shakespeare
- The Good Marrow - John Donne
- Song- Goe and catch a Falling Star - John Donne
- Avarice - George Herbert
- Portrait of Zimri - John Dryden
- Rape of the Lock - Alexander Pope
- The Tyger - William Blake
- Ode to a Nightingale - John Keats
- Ode to a Skylark - P.B Shelly
- Morthe D'Arthur - Alfred Lord Tennyson
- Felix Randal - Gerard Manley Hopkins
- Remembrance - Emily Bronte
- Disabled - Wilford Owen
- Mending Wall - Robert Frost
- Preludes - T.S. Eliot
- Mirror - Sylvia Plath
- My Dreams, My Works, Must Wait ... - Gwendolyn Brooks
- Feast - Edna St. Vincent Millay
- A Far Cry From Africa - Derek Walcott
- Night of the Scorpion - Nissim Ezekiel
- Grandmother - Sitakant Mahapatra
- The Poet - Lakdasa Wikkramasingha
- Birds, Beasts and Relatives - Angela de Silva
- At What Dark Point - Anne Ranasinghe
- The Open Window -SAKI
- The Boarding House - JAMES JOYCE
- Hills like White Elephants - E. HEMINGWAY
- Action and Reaction - CHITRA FERNENDO
- Professional Mourners -ALAGU SUBRAMANIUM
- A Temporary Matter - THUMPA LAHIRI
- House of Bernarda Alba -F.G LORCA-
- The Seagull- ANTON CHEKHOV
- Othello - W. SHAKESPEARE
- A Midsummer Night's Dream- W. SHAKESPEARE
- Waiting for Godot- SAMUEL BECKETT
Novels -
- Great Expectations - CHARLES DICKENS
- Sense and Sensibility- JANE AUSTIN
- The Road from Elephant Pass- NIHAL DE SILVA
- July's People- NADINE GORDIMER
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